Creation Lithograph
19″ x 19″
Pencil signed and numbered lithograph “Creation” is a limited edition of 700 pieces, 100 for each of the 7 days.
Unframed – $170.00 plus S&H.
This exquisite work is presented in the form of a spiral consisting of seven concentric circles formed from the words of the Torah in totally readable micrography. Contained in the spiral is a grand and sequential illustration of the story of creation. The representation culminates with the concept of family and the introduction of Sabbath, represented by the Hebrew letters Shin, Bet, and Tav, which spell Shabbat. Each ring of the seven circles characterizes Lee’s colorful and intensely detailed style.
This piece is distinct in its vibrant colors, intricate details, and deep symbolism. The original is painted in gouache and water based acrylics. “Creation” is a signed limited edition series of lithographs.
Why the SPIRAL?
Because the spiral is the essence of Judaism. To understand this, we must understand our history and culture. But, first let us put it in perspective with regards to other cultures.
Art is a medium/tool used to express our cultures. Eastern cultures express themselves with the circle. This can be seen visually in many forms. Architecturally, eastern cultures use many arches and domes. The crescent moon is often used to symbolize Moslem nations, and pita bread is baked in a round form. The Japanese flag consists of a red circle known as Hinomaru, or ‘circle of the sun.’ Many Eastern peoples believe in reincarnation and the cycles of lives.
Western cultures express themselves with a straight line. Western architecture is based on grids and skyscrapers. The predominant religion, Christianity, is represented by the cross (two straight lines). The industrial revolution was able to develop because of the “linear” assembly line.
Judaism, on the other hand, can be visualized by a straight line going into a spiral. This is actually a combination of the senses. In todays society, however, we use senses completely separate from one another. The medium is the message – whatever sense we use defines how we will perceive the world. This is problematic, though, because by not using any one of our senses, we are distorting reality. That is why a blind person cannot go up to read from the Torah. But, did you ever notice how a blind person has better hearing, or a better sense of smell than the rest of us? A prophet is someone that can perceive the world with more that one sense simultaneously. Moses was a prophet. He “heard the images”. According to the Zohar, “he could see with his eyes closed.” Synesthesia.
The drawn representation for seeing is linear (the light spectrum), while the drawn representation for hearing is based on a spiral (sound waves). Thus, western society can be seen as being based on sight (the visual), while eastern society is based on sound.
The spiral in Judaism can be seen in many of it’s tools. Tfillin, Tzetzit, Challah and the Havdalah Candle all incorporate the spiral. The central symbol in Judaism, the Menorah, is created from a line going into a spiral. Just picture this as if the top half of the spiral were cut off. The highest name of G-d, “Ain Sof”, is the infinity sign. Another spiral.